My traveling essentials
Hello and welcome to another blogpost, today I am sharing with you my top traveling essentials especially if you are flying. It can be so hard to know what to pack and to know whats really necessary. So I have collected for you the top things I can't fly without! 1. Backpack While this seems pretty obvious it seems like a lot of people underestimate it. I used to be that girl that took her fancy tiny purse with her for her flight thinking it looked super cute and jetsetterish (is that a word). But over the years, flying around the world (especially to the USA) I have come the conclusion traveling with a purse is just not handy. Heres why: you can't fit a lot in it It hurts to carry it around all day, especially if you are standing in the immigration line for hours and hours there is no way you can make a purse stay organized a purse just seems too inviting to be stolen So Backpacks are definitely better! For my trip to Atlanta last christmas I took my Fj...