
Es werden Posts vom Mai 19, 2018 angezeigt.

Annika goes to Hawaii

Hello and welcome back, As some of you might know, my sister has been doing an exchange year this year! She is hosted in Alaska and has had a blast so far. On her blog  Annika abroad to the USA  she shares her adventures with the world. She recently went on a trip to Hawaii with her host family and shared a bunch of gorgeous pictures on her blog. Definitely go check that out if you want to feel like summer all around :) Yours truly Becca

5 hacks to study while traveling

Hey again there, As you have probably read in my last post it can be quiet hard to be a student and travel at the same time. But it doesn't have to be! So while I shared with you my 5 Tips on how to study while traveling (more of the mental aspects) I am now sharing with you my essentials to make it as easy as possible to both travel and study at the same time. If you want to know what that is, keep reading.. 1. Google Drive Your probably thinking wow thats so smart I am already doing this. Well good job! In Germany only a little amount of students is working with google drive and I have noticed myself that it keeps me super organized and on top of things which is essential if you want to get things done for school while on the go. I have google drive both on my phone as an app and on my computer. My google drive is divided into sections. Travel Here I always upload my traveling schedule, all my flight infos but also a little bucket list of things I want to do while on va...

How to study while traveling

Hi friendos, today I am back with a little different post. I want to share with you my top tips on how to manage school and traveling at the same time. I am currently in 11th grade and will start my senior year after summer break. As you can imagine I have a looooot of stuff going on with school but I still managed to go to America over my christmas break and I am managing to go to the USA this summer again. I am even missing three weeks of school for it. You're wondering how? Well heres how I do it! 1. Be dedicated Like with all things in life you have to be truly dedicated to what you want, so that you will reach it! If you want good grades and travel the world at the same time, you have to truly want it and put all your effort in at the same time. 2. Communication Communication is always really important and so it is with school. If you know you are going to miss school, let your teachers know in advance and make sure its ok for them! Because before all other things you ...