How to study while traveling

Hi friendos,

today I am back with a little different post. I want to share with you my top tips on how to manage school and traveling at the same time. I am currently in 11th grade and will start my senior year after summer break. As you can imagine I have a looooot of stuff going on with school but I still managed to go to America over my christmas break and I am managing to go to the USA this summer again. I am even missing three weeks of school for it. You're wondering how? Well heres how I do it!

1. Be dedicated
Like with all things in life you have to be truly dedicated to what you want, so that you will reach it! If you want good grades and travel the world at the same time, you have to truly want it and put all your effort in at the same time.

2. Communication
Communication is always really important and so it is with school. If you know you are going to miss school, let your teachers know in advance and make sure its ok for them! Because before all other things you are a student! Ask them if there is anything you should do while you're gone so that you know what work you're dealing with. Maybe you will even miss an exam. Which brings me to my next point...

3. Schedule trips smartly
If you know you have an exam on the 7th of June, then you might not want to schedule your trip during that time. Personally I always make sure that I don't miss any exams because it is just too much work to make them up. If you are going to a certain place for lets say a wedding and its a fixed event on a certain date, then of course you can't do anything about that. Now point one and two come into play. If you will miss an exam, ask your teacher to either take it before you leave or ask them if you could do something else to get that grade (like writing an essay). This essay for example you could perfectly submit by email while you are gone.

4. Plan ahead
What I mean with this is that its always easier to work really hard before you leave and enjoy your free time while you are on vacation. So lets take my christmas trip to the USA as an example, I had a bunch of assignments to do over my break, as well as read 2 books and write 2 essays. I know this sounds like a lot and trust me it was and I really didn't want to do it, but I had to keep in mind that I wasn't going to sit at home in Atlanta and study while all my friends went to a party or something.  So what I did was that I started reading the books early enough so that I only had one left for my time in America. I wrote one of the texts before and did most of my assignments ahead as well. I actually ended up reading "To kill a mockingbird" on my plane ride to Atlanta and had an amazing conversation with two fellow travelers about the German and American school system. Great Icebreaker!

5. School comes first
I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear but as I said already, you are always a student first! So If you are on vacation and are laying in bed at night, maybe pick up that novel you still have to finish instead of watching netflix (I know its hard). Instead of being super bored on the plane and watching 10 movies you weren't even interested in, in the first place, read your books. Ask your family or a random stranger to help you by quizzing you with note cards! This is also a great conversation starter! If you are at the beach to get a tan, why not bring you books and work on getting that degree while getting those tan lines.

I hope these rather mental tips will help you for your next trip! Definitely let me know where you will be going this summer and be sure to add any tips that you might have in the comments!

Lots of love and happy traveling

yours truly Becca


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