5 hacks to study while traveling

Hey again there,

As you have probably read in my last post it can be quiet hard to be a student and travel at the same time. But it doesn't have to be! So while I shared with you my 5 Tips on how to study while traveling (more of the mental aspects) I am now sharing with you my essentials to make it as easy as possible to both travel and study at the same time. If you want to know what that is, keep reading..

1. Google Drive
Your probably thinking wow thats so smart I am already doing this. Well good job! In Germany only a little amount of students is working with google drive and I have noticed myself that it keeps me super organized and on top of things which is essential if you want to get things done for school while on the go. I have google drive both on my phone as an app and on my computer. My google drive is divided into sections.

  1. Travel
    1. Here I always upload my traveling schedule, all my flight infos but also a little bucket list of things I want to do while on vacation
  2. Future
    1. This is my section where I have all my resumes as well as example job application or CVs (curriculum vitae = Lebenslauf) 
  3. School
    1. My school folder is separated into all my subjects so I currently am taking 10 different classes and therefor have ten folders in there. Each of those folders has another three folders in it, one thats for presentations I have to do for that class, one for essays and the last one thats for worksheets or book pages I upload pictures of.
  4. Blog
    1. This is where I pre write my blogposts so that I always have a back up post ready for when I don't have any time. 
  5. Others
    1. This is really just where I put whatever..
So what I try to do is work as much as possible with my electronic devices so that I have to carry less paper and books around with me. Also this is a great way to literally work any - and everywhere!

2. Planer 
I personally love being super duper organized. To me its just so much fun to always find new ways to plan and stay on top of things. What really helps me do this, is a planner. I do not only write my homework in there but I also put exam dates and days that I don't have school in there. Besides that I also plan my free time, as in when I will hang with who or what day I am going where. This is a great way to stay organized even when you are not traveling. But if you use this for traveling, you can have a little countdown for your departure date in there. And the best part of all you can write down what you will have to do while on vacation. What makes writing a planner 1000% easier, is having a pretty one! So Here I linked one that I think looks super cute and seems really organized on the inside. 

3. Quizlet 
You have to learn 500 new words until the end of summer break and have no idea how to do it?  Well heres how you are for sure getting an A on that test, get Quizlet! Never heard of it? Oh darling I am here to save you! Quizlet is a program that is both available as an app and an online program (check it out here ) that helps you study. The basic idea behind it, is that of a notecard or flashcard. The program lets you create sets of cards for basically anything. From basic vocab to math stuff or the rules of physics. You can study for anatomy or chemistry. Literally anything! You can make folders for different subjects and add sets to them. Right now I am studying for my SAT´s, math, spanish and biology. Its super easy and I love the way it helps you remember the vocab. You can read, match and write them (in the app) and even play games to study them (online). Again this program helps you minimize paper and therefor weight, as well as having the possibility to study any- and everywhere!

4. Podcasts and audiobooks
You have to read lets say Shakespeares´ Romeo and Juliet? But you just straight up hate reading and have no time for it during your vacation? Well this one is for you fellow lazy (labor-optimized) traveling students! Use all the amazing podcasts and audiobooks out there for your advance and get listening! You can download them and listen to Romeo and Juliet or any other totally awesome book while on the airplane just going on vacation, tanning on the beach in Bali, sitting on the bus to go to your next stop or just waiting for your mother to finally decide what postcard she wants to send to your grandma! I think its so much easier to listen to different voices play the different characters and therefor better understand a book, than reading it myself and realizing after two pages that I actually stopped paying attention a long time ago. 

5. Movies or Summaries
Another great "school hack" if you don't have time to finish reading book is watching the movie or reading the summary. While this should not become a habit its a great short time solution. Its always better to kind of know whats going on in the novel than having no clue at all! But definitely make sure to try to read the book!! And also if you do this make sure you read credible sources and maybe even look at an interpretation or analysis of the book. Great source for this is spark note!! 

I really hope you can use some of these little student hacks and have a great summer break whether you are staying home or going on vacation!

Yours truly Becca


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